
CIS Agreement on rational management and protection of transboundary waterbodies.

Transboundary waterbodies are intended all surface waterbodies and ground waterbodies that delimit, cross or are located within the boundaries of two or more Parties (art. 1). The Parties have agreed to cooperate as follows: (a) to prevent freshwater pollution; (b) to exchange information and water monitoring data; (c) to carry out water purification arrangements for sewage and polluted water; (d) to carry out arrangements for the mitigation of the consequences of natural disasters and emergency situations in waterbodies; (e) to establish the basic principles of management and distribution of water resources (art. 2). The Parties have pledged to create common water monitoring system (art. 4). The Parties shall autonomously undertake the arrangements for the risk reduction of flood, floating of ice, other natural calamities and water pollution by the industrial works in water conservation zones (art. 6). The Parties shall carry out arrangements for the protection of young fish by installing fish protection works (art. 8).

Regional Info


Armenia; Azerbaijan; Belarus; Georgia; Kazakhstan; Kyrgyzstan; Moldova, Republic of; Russian Federation; Tajikistan; Turkmenistan; Ukraine; Uzbekistan

Policy Type: 





Temporal Info

Date - Final Text: 
