St. Vincent and the Grenadines ratified the Convention on Biological Diversity (CBD) and therefore became responsible for implementing the provisions of that Convention. This project is an enabling activity to formulate a strategy for the protection and sustainable use of SVG’s biodiversity in accordance with Article 6 of the afore-mentioned Convention. The principal objectives of the present document are to: i) Conduct a comprehensive assessment of the existing information on St. Vincent and the Grenadines’ (SVG) biodiversity; ii) Implement a participatory, strategic planning process and develop priorities for action in protecting SVG’s biodiversity culminating in the preparation of the present National Biodiversity Strategy and Action Plan (NBSAP); iii) Conduct a public information campaign to encourage participation in the strategic planning exercises; iv) Prepare the first national report for submission to the Conference of Parties. Part 5 contains the Action Plan. In particular, this Plan is guided by a set of ten (10) basic principles. These principles have been generally identified as a key component of most strategy documents since they help to establish the parameters which help to shape the thinking in respect of the goals to be pursued. These Principles are as follows: 1. Every form of life is unique, and warrants respect from humanity. 2. All Vincentians depend on local biodiversity and therefore have a responsibility to contribute to the conservation and sustainable use of biological resources. 3. Policy, and institutional strengthening is required in order to create conditions under which national biodiversity conservation can become an integral part of the decision making process, through effective implementation. 4. All Vincentians should be educated about local biodiversity and be given an opportunity to participate in decision-making that affects biodiversity. 5. Biodiversity is best conserved in the wild (in situ). 6. An ecological approach to resource management is central to achieving biodiversity conservation and the sustainable use of biological resources. 7. Management of biodiversity must be ecologically and economically sustainable. 8. Conservation of biodiversity should proceed on the basis of the best knowledge available, using approaches that can be refined as new information is gained. 9. Biodiversity conservation requires the cooperation of government and non-government organizations, resource users and the community in general. 10. Regional and international cooperative action and sharing of knowledge, cost, and benefits are essential to biodiversity conservation. These principles are essential to the successful conservation of biodiversity, and underpin the strategies and actions which have been developed in this plan. Chapter 1 of Part 5 deals with Major Areas to be addressed by the Biodiversity Strategy: Habitat Loss and Fragmentation; Over-exploitation of Plant and Animal Species; Introduction of Species and Emigrant Species; Pollution of Soil, Water and the Atmosphere; Intensive Mono-culture Agricultural System; Global Climatic Change. Chapter 2 of Part 5 concerns Addressing Biodiversity Conservation Priority Issues: Development and Articulation of Policy and Plans for Biodiversity Conservation. The Goal of this priority issue is The Conservation and sustainable utilisation of all biological diversity throughout St. Vincent & the Grenadines. The objectives are listed as follows: i) Develop and articulate a National Biodiversity Policy which fosters the sustainable use of biological resources and the maintenance of biodiversity. Ii) Integrate biodiversity conservation into national planning processes. iii) Encourage integrated natural resource management techniques with emphasis given to developing practical and cost effective measures for the preservation of natural habitats. v) Rationalize land use allocation and encourage sectoral and regional planning for human settlements. v) Create conditions and incentives for effective conservation at both the national and local level. vi) Strengthen the human capacity for conserving and using biodiversity sustainably. The following issues are addressed by this sub-chapter: Revision, Updating and Harmonization of Environmental Legislation (I). The Strategy shall: Revise and enact national legislation which provides for the Conservation of Biodiversity. Institutional Strengthening for St. Vincent and the Grenadines (II), The Strategy shall: strengthen the institutions responsible for environmental matters across the numerous different agencies, and promote consolidation of authority on environmental issues under a centralized body. Resource (Biodiversity) Inventory (Terrestrial and Marine) (III). The Strategy shall Expand Revise and enhance biodiversity research and inventorying initiatives. Establish a national programme of on-going monitoring to document the status and patterns of change in terrestrial flora, and fauna species, and their habitats. Development of Geographical Information System (GIS) Database (IV). The Strategy shall Establish a GIS database for biodiversity information which should be updated periodically. Educational Awareness (V). The Strategy shall: (i) Improved public awareness and education on biodiversity issues. (ii) To ensure broad based support for and involvement in biodiversity conservation initiatives through widespread public awareness. Human Resource Development (VI). The Strategy shall enhance the local capacity to conserve biodiversity through increasing and improving the local expertise in relevant fields & institutional Strengthening. Incentives and Disincentives (VII). The Strategy shall provide economic and financial incentives which promote and encourage sustainable utilization of SVG’s biological and natural resources. Mechanism for Monitoring the Implementation of Biodiversity Conservation (VIII). The Strategy shall enhance the capacity for SVG to monitor and assess the progress of its biodiversity conservation programmes and initiatives, and to effectively coordinate the implementation of biodiversity policy. The text consists of 6 Parts as follows: Baseline Information on St. Vincent & The Grenadine (1); Status of Biodiversity Conservation in SVG (2); Other Activities Impacting on Biodiversity In SVG (3); Institutions & Legal Mechanisms for Biodiversity Conservation (4); The SVG Biodiversity Strategy & Action Plan (5); Proposed Projects for Biological Diversity Conservation (6) .
Convention on Biological Diversity (CBD) Strategy and Action Plan.