
Regulation on the protection measures, methods for determining and maintaining of zones and borders of sanitary protection areas.

This Regulation prescribes the necessary implementation of measures aimed to protect the areas in which the water sources are located (quantities and quality that could be used or are used to supply the population with drinking water or if the water of that area is intended for human consumption), further defining the protection measures against intentional or accidental pollution, rules for the concrete protection of the water quality and safety, as well as providing the rules for the maintenance and management of zones and areas where the mandatory sanitary protection is activated/implemented, all important for the supply of drinking water, human health and for the establishment and implementation of measures of sanitary protection of such waters (on the territory of the Republic of Srpska, part of the Federation of Bosnia and Herzegovina). The Annex is an integral part of this Regulation.

Regional Info


Bosnia and Herzegovina

Territorial Division: 

Republika Srpska

Policy Type: 





Temporal Info

Date - Final Text: 
