
Plant Protection Act (No. 13 of 1997).

This Act makes provision for the protection of plants against pests and diseases by introducing a variety of measures aiming at control of production of and trade in plants.; The 43 sections of this Act are divided into 6 Parts: Preliminary provisions (I); Plant protection (II); Plant protection substances and plant resistance improvers (III); Assignment and duties and appointment of officers (IV); Offences and penalties (V); Miscellaneous provisions (VI).; In Part II, the Act provides for powers of the Minister to regulate reporting and destruction of infectious articles and other plant protection measures (sects. 3 and 7), the implementation of plant disease containment measures (sect. 6), national quarantine measures regarding import and export of plants and plant products, soil, etc. (sect. 8), seizure of illegal imports (sect. 13) declaration of points of entry (sect. 14), etc. Provisions of Part III regulate the production, sale, import, packing, labelling, etc. of plant protection substances and plant resistance improvers. Section 17 provides for the registration of a plant protection substance. The Minister shall issue a code of conduct for the handling of substances covered by this Part (sect. 27). Section 28 concerns the use of plant resistance improvers. Section 31 provides for the establishment of a National Plant Protection Advisory Committee (NPPAC) which shall advise the Minister. Section 34 specifies powers of inspectors appointed by the Minister under section 33.

Regional Info


Tanzania, Un. Rep. of

Language (ISO Code): 


Policy Type: 





Temporal Info

Date - Final Text: 
