
Environmental Management Act, 2004 (No. 20 of 2004).

The Act consists of 233 sections divided into 20 Parts: Preliminary provisions (I); General principles (II); Administration and institutional arrangement (III); Environment planning (IV); Environmental management (V); Environmental impact assessment and other assessments (VI); Strategic environmental assessment (VII); Pollution prevention and control (VIII): Waste management (IX); Environmental quality standards (X); Environmental Restoration, Easements and Conservation Order (XI); Analysis and records (XII); Environmental information, education and research (XIII); Public participation in environmental decision making (XIV); International Agreements (XV); Compliance and enforcement (XVI); Environmental Appeals Tribunal (XVII); National Environmental Trust Fund (XVIII); Financial provisions (XIX); General and transitional provisions (XX).; Part III provides for administration of the Act. Key public figures are the National Advisory Committee, the Minister responsible for Environment, the Director of Environment and the National Environment Management Council. The National Environmental Trust Fund is established under section 231. Environmental Protection Areas may be declared under section 47 of Part V. Sections 50 to 79 provide for various conservation and protection measures for such areas a inland waters, shoreline, wetlands, coastal zones, mountain areas and range lands and make provision with respect to biodiversity, protection of forest resources, promotion of conservation of wildlife and fisheries resources, protection of natural and cultural heritage, use of genetically modified organisms, prior informed consent procedures, etc. Part VIII contains, among other things, provisions on water pollution and integrated pollution control.

Regional Info


Tanzania, Un. Rep. of

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Policy Type: 



Temporal Info

Date - Final Text: 
