
National Environmental Policy 1997.

The National Environmental Policy is a national policy with a multi-sectoral approach. The overall objectives of the Policy are: (i) to ensure sustainable and equitable use of natural resources to meet the basic needs of present and future generations, (ii) to protect natural resources by preventing and controlling degradation, (iii) to conserve biodiversity and unique ecosystems and so natural and cultural heritage, (iv) to plan human settlements in rural and urban areas in an environmentally protective manner, (v) to raise environmental awareness, (vi) to promote community participation in management processes of environment, and (vii) to strengthen international cooperation. Food security will be ensured through environmentally sound agricultural production. Clean and safe drinking water will be provided to all through developments in water, sewerage and sanitation sectors. Environmental protection will be integrated in agriculture, livestock, water and sanitation, health, transport, energy, mining, industry, tourism, wildlife, forestry and fisheries sectors. With a precautionary approach, measures will be taken against land degradation, environmental pollution, water scarcity, loss of wildlife habitats and of biodiversity, deforestation and deterioration in the aquatic environment. Secure and equitable access to land resources and the right to use them will be ensured through integrated land use planning. Biodiversity conservation and sustainable use of biological and genetic resources will be integrated into relevant sectoral policies, strategies and programs. Agricultural production will be increased in an environmentally sustainable manner through soil conservation, intensification and diversification, rational use of agrochemicals, improved irrigation systems, plant protection programs and integrated land-use planning. Sustainable livestock management will be ensured by using environmentally friendly practices and protecting animal genetic resources, feed resources, and grazing lands. Energy efficiency and conservation will be enhanced to minimize environmental degradation. In order to ensure a clean environment, environmental audit will be conducted for pollution control and waste minimization in industrial sector. Wildlife resources will be protected and used in a sustainable manner with special emphasis on sensitive ecosystems and endangered species. Forestry protection measures will be taken against deforestation, forest degradation, desertification, and climate change. Processing and preservation techniques will be improved for sustainable development in fisheries sector. Participation of public, all government institutions, private sector and non-governmental organizations will be promoted in decision-making processes. Poverty will be reduced in line with social protection. Actions will be taken to eradicate communicable diseases, to provide food, shelter, safe water and to increase income generation and employment opportunities. Resources will be allocated to the poor to address poverty-related environmental problems. Women will be empowered through education to ensure gender equity and therefore to improve their human rights. Environmentally sound technologies will be developed for pollution control and prevention, sustainable use of natural resources, and waste recycling. In order to develop environmental management systems, this Policy underlines the importance of environmental impact assessment, environmental legislation, economic instruments, environmental standards and indicators, precautionary approach and international cooperation. Environmental education will be provided to all through training programs. Biodiversity conservation will be strengthened to prevent loss of biodiversity through biotechnology and biosafety, particularly in forestry sector. Fair and equitable sharing of benefits arising from use of native genetic resources will be ensured. Public health will be protected with provision of community needs for environmental infrastructure and promotion of other health-related programs such as food hygiene, pollution control and waste sorting at the household level. Tourism sector will be developed in line with the conservation of cultural heritage. The Ministry for the environment will be responsible of overall policies, planning and implementation in cooperation with the relevant Ministries. The Division of Environment under the Ministry for the environment will promote the inter-agency coordination.

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Tanzania, Un. Rep. of

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