
Strategy on Biological Diversity of the Republic of Moldova for 2015-2020 and the Action Plan.

Strategy on Biological Diversity of the Republic of Moldova for 2015-2020 and the Action Plan is a national sectoral strategic document. Its overall objective is to decrease the current loss rate of biodiversity as a contribution to reducing poverty and as a benefit to all forms of life on earth. The document plans to achieve its overall objective by ensuring sustainable management and efficient institutional framework for biodiversity conservation until 2020 through developing the normative framework on biodiversity conservation; ensuring an efficient institutional framework for the sustainable management of biodiversity; and ensuring the integration of international treaty requirements into national biodiversity policies. In addition, it aims to, by 2020, reduce the pressure on biodiversity to ensure sustainable development through ensuring the extension of state protected natural areas to up to 8% of the surface area of the country, establishing a national ecological network and develop 44 management plans for protected natural areas; ensuring the conservation of rare, vulnerable and endangered species by restoring the habitats of 5 endangered plant and 5 endangered animal species; and implementing biological security measures by developing 2 risk assessment procedures for the introduction of genetically modified organisms in the environment and the establishment of an advisory center. Also, by 2020, it plans to implement measures to increase the benefits of using natural resources and ecosystem services through promoting access to genetic resources and equitable sharing of benefits arising from them by developing a study, promoting 5 genotypes of valuable plants for industrial plantation and developing 2 projects for local communities; ensuring the sustainable development of natural ecosystems which provide services through the development of a study and a methodology and 2 pilot projects for provision of promoted ecosystem services. In the area of disaster preparedness, it targets to implement measures to stop threats to biodiversity through implementing measures to stop soil degradation and diminish the effects of climate change by planting 500 ha of degraded areas and improving ecosystems for 4 local species; implementing measures to minimize degradation of water resources and aquatic biodiversity as well as identifying protection measures for them through the development and approval of 2 management plans for aquatic basins districts; implementing measures to diminish the negative impact of invasive species by developing a study, a program and practice guidelines for fighting invasive species; and implementing measures to minimize the anthropogenic pressing on vulnerable natural ecosystems by forestry development on 5000 ha of public land. The Ministry of Environment, which shall appoint a specific subdivision for this purpose, will be responsible for monitoring the implementation of this strategic document. A Monitoring Group will be established by an order of the Minister of Environment for the monitoring process. The Monitoring Group will regularly determine the degree of achieving indicators and results. Based on information collected and systematized, the Group will develop an annual report on the implementation of the Strategy. Also, the Monitoring Group will inform the Government on the progress of implementing the Strategy. All these actions shall contribute to ensuring the transparency of the implementation of biodiversity conservation measures and the sustainable use of natural resources, providing the general public with the opportunity to engage and participate in the decision making process.

Regional Info


Moldova, Republic of

Policy Type: 





Temporal Info

Date - Final Text: 
