
Law No. 1540-XIII on environmental fees.

This Law shall have as its purposes: (a) creation of such a system of production and economic activity as to make it unprofitable environmental damage; (b) incentives for introduction of ecofriendly processes and technologies, reduction of emissions and waste output; (c) setting up special environmental funds. The Act consists of four Sections divided into 19 articles: (1) general provisions; (2) calculation of environmental fees; (3) collection of environmental fees; and (4) conclusive and transitional provisions. Payers of environmental fees shall be legal and natural persons carrying out production and economic activity causing environmental pollution by emissions, discharge of pollutants and waste disposal. Rates of environmental fees shall be established by the Parliament. Environmental fees shall be calculated for emissions and discharge of pollutants within the established limits and over the established limits. Environmental fees for waste disposal shall be calculated for storage on the territory of enterprises and in dumps within and over the established limits.

Regional Info


Moldova, Republic of

Policy Type: 



Temporal Info

Date - Original Text: 


Date - Consolidation: 
