
Law on environmental protection.

This Law provides the basic legal framework for environmental protection, covering the principal environmental media (soil, inland waters, underground areas, atmosphere, natural heritage) as well as biological diversity, waste, toxic substances and plant protection. Specific regulation will be enacted according to article 2. An entire chapter is devoted to protection against ionizing radiation (Chap. 6), in particular it prohibits the siting of atomic energy plants, the siting or transition of atomic weapons as well as the import, siting or transition of nuclear wastes. Other related activities are allowed only with a licence and subject to very strict control. Two principal institutions are created: The State Department for Environment (a central Government ministry) (Chap. 3) and the Council for the Quality of the Environment (a consultative body under the President of the Republic) (Chap. 4).

Regional Info


Moldova, Republic of

Policy Type: 



Temporal Info

Date - Final Text: 
