
Ministerial Decree No. 373 validating the Regulation of on the state registration of hazardous impact on the atmospheric air and the sources thereof.

This Ministerial Decree establishes the modalities of the state registration of hazardous impact on the atmospheric air and the sources thereof. The main task of the state registration shall be to obtain information on quantity and composition of the emissions of pollutants to the atmosphere, types and amounts of hazardous impact on the atmospheric air and sources thereof. The state registration shall be carried out by the authorized state environmental institution. Legal persons owning the sources of emissions and also quantity and composition of pollutants, types and amount of negative impact upon the atmospheric air. The authorized state environmental institution shall carry out: (a) registration of the organizations subject to the state registration; (b) keeping databases of the organizations subject to the state registration and of quantity and compositions of the emissions of pollutants; and (c) inspection of primary registration of the emissions by the organizations.

Regional Info


Russian Federation

Policy Type: 

Data and methods




Temporal Info

Date - Final Text: 
