
Ministerial Decree No. 380 validating the Regulation on arrangements for conservation of aquatic biological resources and natural habitat thereof.

This Ministerial Decree establishes the arrangements for conservation of aquatic biological resources and natural habitats thereof in the process of land-use planning, urban land zoning, construction, reconstruction of the objects of capital construction, introduction of new technological processes having either direct or indirect impact upon aquatic biological resources and natural habitat thereof. Arrangements for conservation of aquatic biological resources and natural habitat thereof shall be as follows: (a) insertion in land-use planning and zoning documentation of water and fish conservation areas and protected fishing areas; (b) environmental impact assessment of projected activities and evaluation of its impact upon aquatic biological resources and habitat thereof; (c) ecological control; (d) prevention and mitigation of freshwater pollution; (e) installation of fish protection works; and (f) restriction of activities having negative impact upon aquatic biological resources and natural habitats thereof.

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Russian Federation

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