
Act on the Disposal of Sewage, Excreta and Livestock Wastewater.

The purpose of this Act is to contribute to the improvement of public health and the preservation of environment by making natural and living environment clean and reducing the water pollution through a proper treatment of sewage, excreta and livestock wastewater. Standards for the quality of water discharged by the treatment facilities of sewage, separate septic tanks and treatment facilities of excreta and livestock wastewater shall be prescribed by the Ordinance of the Ministry of Environment. Chapter II deals with matters related to installation of treatment facilities of sewage and of separate septic tanks, special cases for combined treatment of sewage and wastewater, work completion inspection of the treatment facilities, operation and management of treatment facilities, etc. The head of Si/Gun/Gu shall conduct the collection, transportation and treatment of excreta generated within an area under his jurisdiction. In case a person intends to treat the excreta or livestock wastewater for recycling he shall install or manage the recycling facilities in accordance with the criteria for installation and management under the Ordinance of the Ministry of Environment (arts. 21 to 23). A person raising the livestock shall not have the livestock wastewater discharged into public waters. Installation permits and management of discharge facilities of livestock wastewater are provided for in articles 24 to 28. The head of a local government may install public treatment facilities of livestock wastewater. Any person who intends to carry on the business of collecting, transporting or treating excreta or livestock wastewater, or of cleaning and managing the treatment facilities of sewage and separate septic tanks, etc. shall meet such requirements as facilities, equipment and technical capability, etc. to obtain a license by business type from the head of Si/Gun/Gu (Chapter V). The remaining part of the Act contains penal provisions and provisions of miscellaneous nature.

Regional Info


Korea, Republic of

Language (ISO Code): 


Policy Type: 







Temporal Info

Date - Original Text: 


Date - Consolidation: 
