The purpose of this Act is to contribute to the sound development of the city and community, and the improvement of public sanitation, and to preserve the water quality of public waterways through the determination of the criteria for the establishment and management of the sewerage towards the direction of improving and properly maintaining it. The Act consists of 44 articles divided into 7 Chapters: General provisions (I); Instalment and management of public sewerage (II); Use of, preservation of and sharing expenses for public sewerage (III); Expenses relating to public sewerage (IV); Supervision (V); Compensation for loss (VI); Penal provisions (VII). The heads of Sis/Guns shall establish the comprehensive basic plan for maintenance of the sewerage for each sewage basin of the area under his jurisdiction in order to improve the public sanitation and living conditions. Where the local government intends to install sewage terminal treatment facilities in accordance with the basic sewerage maintenance plan it shall obtain the permit from the Minister of Environment. Water quality standards of the water let out of the sewage terminal treatment facility into a river, ocean, or other public waters shall be determined by the Ordinance of the Ministry of Environment.
Sewerage Act.