This Act declares that the policy of the State shall be to promote, propagate, develop further and implement the practice of organic agriculture in the Philippines in order to enrich the fertility of the soil, increase farm productivity, reduce pollution and destruction of the environment and prevent the depletion of natural resources. The Act provides for the establishment of a comprehensive organic agricultural program and of a National Organic Agricultural Board which shall carry out the policy and program. Composition, organization and powers and functions of the Board are provided for in the text. The Board shall constantly devise and implement ways and means of producing organic fertilizers and other farm inputs and of helping to alleviate the problems of industrial waste and community garbage disposal.; The Bureau of Agriculture and Fisheries Product Standards is the authority responsible for granting official accreditation to organic certifying bodies and entities, and for the registration of organic food and organic input producers.; The Act further provides for: labelling requirements; retailing of organic produce; research, development and extension (RDE); creation of organic agriculture RDE networks; incentives; penalties; etc.
Organic Agriculture Act of 2010 (Republic Act No. 10068).