
Presidential Decree declaring national policies on agricultural development and promulgating the Agricultural Incentives Act of 1986 (No. 2032).

It is the basic aim of the State to promote agricultural development on a sustainable basis utilising indigenous materials whenever feasible, and in particular to achieve the following objectives: to preserve, improve and put to their most productive use the land, water, forest, genetic materials and other agricultural resources of the country; to manage and develop the land so that the land is put to its optimal uses, and the security of land tenure is guaranteed; to ensure the availability of food supplies at reasonable prices and attain self-sufficiency in basic food items; to accelerate the development of the meat and dairy industry; to enhance the judicious and optimum utilisation of our marine and fishery resources by both the commercial fishing boat operators and the municipal/small fishermen, as well as expand and improve fishpond operations and aquaculture activities; to provide better conditions for small and community farming and to accelerate the development of less developed regions of the country. Measures proposed include market interventions, strengthening of farm inputs, institutional improvements and providing of farm credit. Other provisions deal with administration, an agricultural investment priorities plan and various kinds of incentives.

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