This State Standard has been set by Technical Committee (TK 09) on ecology and has been registered by the Decision No. 006 of the Collegium of the State Committee for Standardisation, Metrology and Patent. This State Standard is authentic translation of ISO 8689-2:2000 Water quality -- Biological classification of rivers -- Part 1: Guidance on the presentation of biological quality data from surveys of benthic macro-invertebrates. The initial inspection shall be in 2020 to determine the requirements of the standard to comply with the international standards, norms, rules and recommendations. This State Standard gives guidance on the presentation of biological quality data relating to running waters from surveys of benthic macro-invertebrates. The guidance is applicable to the results of surveys using standard methods of sampling and using the classification procedures given in AZS 809-1-2015. It is recognized that for a complete assessment of ecological status other elements of biological quality should be assessed. In addition, an explanation of the comparison of different indices used in the analysis of surveys of benthic macro-invertebrates is given in AZS 809-1-2015.
State Standard No. AZS 809-2-2015 for Water quality -- Biological classification of rivers -- Part 2: Guidance on the presentation of biological quality data from surveys of benthic macro-invertebrates.