
National Agriculture Investment Plan (PNISA) 2013–2017.

The National Investment Plan for the Agrarian Sector (PNISA), consisting of 200 sections and two Annexes, undertaken through the Comprehensive Africa Agriculture Development Programme (CAADP) seeks to identify and prioritize key investment and policy interventions that are critical to enhancing the agricultural productivity growth in Mozambique in order to achieve integrated goals of poverty reduction, national food security and broad-based economic growth. To this end, the CAADP framework is used to facilitate the achievement of an annual agricultural growth rate (at least 6%) triggered by an annual national budgetary allocation (at least 10%). The PNISA has a participatory methodology with strong stakeholder consultation and is divided in 5 Key Components: Component 3 deals with the following aspects: 63 Food and Nutritional Security; 65: Food Security Monitoring and Multisectoral Coordination Programme; 65 Programme to Improve Access to and Use of High Nutritional Value Food. The main objective of Component 1 is to accelerate production by facilitating physical and financial access of producers to inputs and technology packages, in particular the production of foundation seed, the multiplication of improved seeds and access to agro-chemicals, in complementary with the extension programme for cash and nutritious food crops. It is divided as follow: 12 Food and Cash Crop Programme; 18 Fisheries and Aquaculture Programme; 31 Livestock Programme; 36 Agricultural Research Programme; 42 Agricultural Extension Programme; 48 Agricultural Irrigation Programme; 50 Mechanization Support Programme. 31: The production systems require an efficient utilization of natural resources, implying a long term integrated production system having a site-specific application satisfying human food needs, enhancing environmental quality and the natural resource base, making the most efficient use of non-renewable resources and on-farm resources with natural biological cycles and controls, enhancing the quality of life for farmers and society as a whole. There is a need to develop sustainable production systems able to double output; requiring pest management in a systematic way in order to increase the productivity of farming systems. Productivity improvements may have significant effects on poverty reduction and economic growth. 91: The general objective of the Fishery Programme is to increase the availability of fish, through increased fishery production and productivity. The challenges posed by poverty in Mozambique are well reflected in the new Poverty Reduction Plan (PARP, 2011-2014) approved by the Government in 2010. The PARP concentrates on increasing agricultural production, promoting the development of small and medium enterprises (SMEs) and on investment in human and social development. 55 Component 2 deals with Access to market, including the following sections: 56 Post-Harvest Management and Marketing Programme; 57 The Financial Services Programme; 59 The Agro-Business Support Programme, etc. Table 26: Key programmes and policies for PNISA implementation shows that Government will develop and implement policies and programmes that support crop diversification, livestock and fisheries production, increased productivity in crops and livestock, sustainable land and water management, including forestry and agro-forestry sector. Component 4 deals with Natural Resources in general: 69 Land for Agricultural Purposes Programme; 69 Institutional Development Programme; 72 Mapping and Remote Sensing Programme; 72 Forest and Wildlife Programme. 84. The Subprogramme to Support Sustainable Land and Water Management and reduction of Climate Change Vulnerability: With agriculture contributing 24% to GDP, 70% of the population depending on subsistence farming, and 40% of which are food insecure, there is urgency for adopting adequate measures to improve productivity and increase production. Table 26: Key programmes and policies for PNISA implementation shows that Government will develop and implement policies and programmes to promote climate change adaptation and mitigation and other environmentally friendly agricultural systems. Component 5 deals with governance, such as the Institutional Reform Programme to enhance the implementation of strategies, Coordination and Monitoring and Evaluation Mechanism etc.

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