These Regulations, consisting of eleven sections and eight Schedules, establish the following provisions to prevent marine pollution: no person shall dump any harmful substances; any pollutant referred to in schedule I including: dredged materials referred to in schedule II, sewage sludge, fishwaste or material resulting from industrial fish processing operations; inert, inorganic geological materials, organic materials of natural origin; items comprising primarily of iron, steel, concrete and similar non harmful materials; ships, aricraft, platform or other man made structures; and wastes referred to in schedule III into the territorial waters of Sri Lanka or any other maritime zone, its fore shore and the costal zone of Sri Lanka, except under the authority of permit issued by the competent Authority. The dumping of the substances referred to in Schedule IV is prohibited. An application for a permit for dumping shall be made to the Authority in the form specified in Schedule V.
Marine Environmental Protection (issuance of permits for dumping at sea) Regulations No... of 2013.