This Regulation implements various provisions of the Waste Reduction and Recycling Act, 2011. The Regulation, consisting of 6 Parts divided into 45 sections, provides for: types of waste; designation of areas by local governments for general or green waste collection; obligations of operators of waste disposal sites; strategic planning for waste reduction and recycling; reporting about waste management; etc.; The objectives of this Act are the following: (a) to promote waste avoidance and reduction, and resource recovery and efficiency actions; (b) to reduce the consumption of natural resources and minimise the disposal of waste by encouraging waste avoidance and the recovery, re-use and recycling of waste; (c) to minimise the overall impact of waste generation and disposal; (d) to ensure a shared responsibility between government, business and industry and the community in waste management and resource recovery; (e) to support and implement national frameworks, objectives and priorities for waste management and resource recovery. The Regulation further contains Schedules addressing: local governments for waste disposal sites; fees; and definitions.
Waste Reduction and Recycling Regulation 2011.