The National Biodiversity Strategy and Action Plan (NBSAP) is a multi-sectoral planning instrument applicable at the national level and aiming at contributing to the protection of biodiversity in Botswana. The NBSAP vision was developed based on the principles of sustainable development, integrated conservation and development, equity across generations, and biodiversity as the foundation of life and livelihoods. Its vision is that, by 2025, ecosystems, species and genetic diversity are valued, protected, and used sustainably and equitably, through the involvement of all sectors of society and the provision of sufficient resources for its sound management. The document sets out national targets corresponding to the following goals: 1) Biodiversity is mainstreamed and valued across all sectors of society; 2) The pressure on biodiversity is reduced and natural resources are used sustainably; 3) Ecosystems, species and genetic resources are protected through sound management; 4) Fair and equitable access to the benefits of biodiversity is secured; 5) Participatory planning, knowledge management and capacity-building are in place to support NBSAP implementation. Chapter 3.8 establishes the strategic actions to be implemented for each national target. These strategic actions include education on how biodiversity contributes to our lives; revision, design or introduction of incentives and subsidies across all sectors to improve support for sustainable consumption and production and promote biodiversity conservation; reduction of degradation and fragmentation of natural land; sustainable management of animal and plant resources in Botswana’s wetlands, woodlands and savannas using the ecosystem approach; levels of air, water and soil pollution are maintained below levels that would threaten ecosystem functioning and biodiversity; key invasive alien species are identified and controlled or eradicated, and pathways for their spread are managed to prevent further introduction and establishment; improvement of the conservation status of species in Botswana that are listed as threatened; protection of the genetic resources of traditional agricultural species and their wild relatives. The plan aims at making agriculture more productive and sustainable. At this regard, national target 13 establishes that, by 2025, the genetic resources of traditional agricultural species and their wild relatives are protected, and strategies for minimizing genetic erosion and safeguarding their genetic diversity have been implemented. The strategic actions to be undertaken include the ratification, by 2016, of the International Treaty on Plant Genetic Resources for Food and Agriculture; the establishment, by 2023, of Community Indigenous and Medicinal Tree Centres and Parks in each ecoregion. Special attention is given to the reduction of poverty, including rural poverty, through biodiversity conservation. The aim is to develop, by 2018, activities under the Local Economic Development Strategy that harmonize biodiversity conservation and poverty eradication in key ecoregions.
National Biodiversity Strategy and Action Plan.