
National Biodiversity Strategy to 2020, vision to 2030.

The National Biodiversity Strategy to 2020, vision to 2030 is a national cross-sectoral strategy of Vietnam for the period 2011-2020. Its main objective is to preserve and sustainably use naturally important ecosystems, endangered, rare, and precious species, and genetic resources; contribute to the development of the green economy; and actively respond to climate change. Specifically, for this general goal, the Strategy aims to consolidate and complete the system of natural protected areas; conserve ecosystems of national and international importance; prevent the decline of threatened wildlife species, particularly endangered, rare and precious species prioritized for protection; conserve native plant varieties, livestock and wild relatives of precious, rare species; develop and enhance the effectiveness of biodiversity conservation units; sustainably use of ecosystems; sustainably use of species and genetic resources; establish a mechanism for managing access to genetic resources, sharing benefits, protection, and traditional knowledge of genetic resources; control activities considered to be unsustainable or causing environmental pollution such as conversion of land and water surface area use and agricultural practices; control illegal hunting, trade and consumption of wild fauna and flora; control, halt and prevent the damage caused by invasive alien species; and enhance biosafety management of genetically modified organisms. In the area of climate change, it targets at identification of climate change impacts on biodiversity and promote biodiversity conservation as a means to actively respond to climate change; development of biological corridors to increase connectivity among forest ecosystems and critical biodiversity areas to adapt to climate change. According to the document, the implementation will be carried out by Ministry of Natural Resources and Environment, Ministry of Planning and Investment; Ministry of Finance; Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development and other ministries and central agencies. In addition to this, the following actors will also be involved Provincial People’s Committees and centrally-managed cities, District People’s Committees, and business community.

Regional Info


Viet Nam

Policy Type: 





Temporal Info

Date - Final Text: