
National Water Resources Implementation Plan.

This National Water Resources Implementation Plan sets out, for a period of ten years, strategies (key goals and targets) for implementing the Government of Kiribati’s National Water Resources Policy which details the vision of the government of Kiribati for the future of water resources in the nation. It provides objectives and strategies to address priority needs in the national freshwater resources sector in the Republic of Kiribati and elaborates a framework for action. Availability and safety of freshwater and climate change response are key elements of the Plan. Other important elements are the co-operation between government and communities to promote successful and sustainable water initiatives, protection of freshwater resources, better water governance, water resource ownership. One of the constraints in water management is and ownership in groundwater source areas. The overall goals of this implementation plan are those of the National Water Resources Policy: 1. Provide safe, socially equitable, financially, technically and environmentally sustainable water supplies to enhance the welfare and livelihood of I- Kiribati; 2. Protect and conserve freshwater sources for public water supplies; 3. Deliver freshwater efficiently and effectively. The Plan sets out performance indicators for plan objectives and activities and defines organisational responsibilities for implementation. Sector strategies and actions include: increase access to safe and reliable water supplies; achieve financially, technically and environmentally sustainable water resource management; improve understanding of water resources and their use; improve protection of public water source areas; increase community awareness of and participation in water management and conservation; improve governance in the water and sanitation sector; decrease unaccounted for water losses, improve cost recovery, and explore alternate sources of freshwater. A time schedule for activities is attached.

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