
Master Plan for Crop Production in Cambodia to 2030.

The Master Plan for Crop Production in Cambodia to 2030 is a national policy with a cross-sectoral approach. The timeframe of the policy is 15 years between 2016 and 2030. This Crop Master Plan aims at structural transformation of the sector from traditional agriculture to the modern agricultural system capable of generating high value added and multiplier effects in the rural and urban economy through the development of agroindustry, agribusiness, and non-farm employment.; Agriculture sector will contribute to food and nutrition security and the need for adequate, safe, and nutritious food of its population will be met.; Agricultural productivity and crop diversification will be promoted through intensification in an environmentally sustainable manner. Preservation of natural resources plays key role for the sustainability of crop agriculture, for this reason importance will be placed on improving the land tenure system, markets for water rights, land use zoning, and regulatory capacity to ensure sustainable land and water resource use management.; Special emphasis will be given to the farmer associations, poverty reduction and employment in agriculture. Rural households will be raised out of poverty directly by raising the productivity and income of farmers and indirectly through expanded opportunities for productive employment in the farm sector and in the rural non-farm sector. Employment opportunities will be expanded for the landless farmers.; More stringent measures will be taken for food safety and quality standards, phytosanitary and quarantine controls and certification, as well as good agricultural practices in crop production will be adopted to ensure soil fertility, appropriate application of fertilizers and pesticides to crops, analysis of chemical residues in crops, and traceability. Futhermore agroindustry development and the general compliance with good agricultural practices (GAP), good manufacturing practices, and other certifications (HACCP, Globalgap, Organic, etc) will be key factors to gain competitiveness in international markets. Effective, affordable, and environmentally sound pest control method practices and strategies will be supported. Agricultural value chain will be developed by prioritizing strategic crop-based value chains such as rice, maize, cassava, mungbean, mango, cashews, pepper, and vegetables, at all stages of post-harvest systems, processing, logistics, trade and marketing. Development of agro-enterprises, particularly youth and women agro-entrepreneurs, will be promoted and their upgrading and upscaling will be encouraged. Agricultural productivity, profitability and competitiveness will be raised in internal and international trade. An improved information database will be developed to enable evidence-based recommendations for the introduction of more competitive, climate resilient and sustainable smallholder farming systems in Cambodia. Investment will be promoted in agriculture sector for research, extension, education, agricultural statistics system and infrastructure. The technology will be accessible by farmers and agro-enterprises.; Capacity building will be enhanced for preparedness and respond to climate change by adopting sustainable practices in crop production.; The Crop Master Plan will require a set of policies, regulations, monitoring, and capacity building of Ministry of Agriculture Forestry and Fisheries and General Directorate of Agriculture staff to support the implementation of the value chain programs. Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry, and Fisheries, Ministry of Water Resources and Meteorology, Ministry of Environment, Ministry of Rural Development, Ministry of Women Affairs, the Council for Agriculture and Rural Development, Cambodia Agricultural Research Development Institute, and Royal University of Agriculture will be involved in agricultural development.

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