
Resolution No. 35/NQ-CP on urgent issues in environmental protection.

This Circular establishes the need to take action against environmental pollution of industrial parks and complexes not fulfilling with the environment-related technical standards of their wastewater treatment systems. Mining activities in some localities have not been managed, increasing the environmental pollution black spots. In urban and rural areas, agricultural and family wastes are not properly collected and treated, while fertilizers and pesticides are disseminated. This Circular establishes that is necessary to implement the following tasks and solutions: Intensifying environmental protection in industrial parks and complexes; raising the quality of appraisal of environmental protection requirements in development strategies, master plans, plans and projects through: monitoring of the observance of the environmental protection law in industrial parks and complexes; inform on business violating the environmental protection law; permit the construction of plants and projects in industrial parks and complexes only after concentrated wastewater treatment facilities of these parks or complexes are completely built and can treat the whole volume of generated wastewater up to current environment-related technical regulations; improve the quality of environmental assessment and environmental impact assessment for development strategies, master plans, plans and projects, especially in the stage of appraisal; to enhance post ­appraisal examination of environmental impact assessment reports so as to assure that all projects, before being commissioned, are certified as having completed environmental protection facilities or measures, etc.

Regional Info


Viet Nam

Language (ISO Code): 


Policy Type: 





Temporal Info

Date - Final Text: 
