
Public Health Proclamation No. 200/2000.

This Proclamation makes provision for the protection of public health. It establishes a Public Advisory Board at the Federal and Regional level for the purpose of advising the appropriate health authority in the proper implementation of this Proclamation. Public Health Authority shall be the Ministry of Health, or the Health Bureau of a Regional State or of a City accountable to the Federal Government. The Public Health Authority shall appoint qualified inspectors to implement the provisions of this Proclamation and other laws and directives related with public health. The Proclamation provides in particular with respect to food and water quality and hygiene and handling of waste. Any person engaged in any activity of selling, producing for sale, storing, preparing or preserving of any food intended for human consumption shall meet the standards set by the Ministry. The Proclamation also prohibits the importation or sale of unwholesome food or food that is not properly labelled. It also prohibits: to supply water from springs, wells or through pipes unless its quality is verified by the Health Authority; to import, produce or distribute bottled mineral water or plane water unless its quality is verified; to discharge untreated liquid waste generated from septic tanks, seepage pits, and industries into water bodies, or water convergences. Some rules are laid down with respect to handling of solid waste.

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