This Regulation regulates determination of emissions of sulphur dioxide (SO2), nitrogen oxides (NO2 + NO), carbon oxide (CO), volatile organic compounds (CnHm), solid particles, and heavy metals generated by combustion plants and emitted into ambient air. Emissions of pollutants shall be determined on the basis of direct measurements and/or calculations. With regard to combustion plants; (technological furnaces included) with thermal capacity equal to or exceeding 50 MWth, emission factors of pollutants shall be determined on the basis of direct measurements only. Emission factors of volatile organic compounds and heavy metals, and the emission factor of sulphur dioxide from liquid fuels can be determined, in addition to direct measurements, on the basis of calculations.
Regulation No. 33 of the Minister of the Environment validating the Procedure and Methods for Determining Emissions of Pollutants from Combustion Plants into Ambient Air.