
Climate Programme for Finnish Agriculture – Steps towards Climate Friendly Food 2014.

The Climate Programme for Finnish Agriculture prepared by the Ministry of Agriculture and Forestry aims to further enhance the sustainability of the Finnish food system, which is founded on profitable food production and responsible consumption. By improving sustainability in a comprehensive way it is also possible to increase the profitability of production. The objective is to improve energy and material efficiency and reduce emissions per litre or kilo of production. The array of technology solutions we already have available should be taken into full use, while encouraging research and businesses to develop further innovations. In the future the consumers should be steered towards even more responsible consumption. Through all this we can ensure that Finnish food derived from sustainable production is well placed on the market. In the case of organic soil the emissions from land use can be influenced by reducing the clearing of peaty lands and decomposition of peat in cultivated arable areas through long-term grass cultivation and in mineral soil by increasing the soil carbon stocks or slowing down the decrease in the current stock.; Climate change brings changes to food production, both in Finland and globally. Active measures are needed to take advantage of the opportunities offered by the changing climate and to minimize its negative impacts. The Climate Programme for Finnish Agriculture presents a total of 76 measures to facilitate the adaptation of food production and consumption to climate change and/ or to mitigate the change. The selection of the measures was based on the most recent scientific research results and views of various experts involved in the food system. By implementing the measures put forward in the programme we will achieve more climate friendly food production and consumption. The objective of the Climate Programme for Finnish Agriculture prepared by the Ministry of Agriculture and Forestry is to promote the sustainability of our food system and to make this better known. The programme promotes and improves the energy and material efficiency of agriculture and the whole food system. The programme offers additional tools for improving productivity and profitability as well.; The eight key measures identified in the Climate Programme for Finnish Agriculture are: 1. Carbon sequestration into soil; 2. Measures relating to the use of peatlands; 3. Plant breeding; 4. Plant and animal health and preventing the spread of invasive alien species; 5. Handling and treatment of manure and more accurate nitrogen fertilization; 6. Energy efficiency and production and consumption of renewable energy; 7. Reducing food loss all through the food system; 8. Changes towards a more plant-based diet.; The Climate Programme for Finnish Agriculture serves as an information bank for those acting on behalf of a more sustainable and productive food system. The programme brings together the most recent research information on the climate issues in food production and consumption, from the perspective of both adaptation and mitigation. The programme will be updated on a regular basis in line with the most recent studies and changing conditions and operating environments. The programme presents climate change adaptation and mitigation measures relating to the food system. In addition, the programme also reflects on potential future means for adaptation and mitigation.

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