In order to meet the challenges of environment and development, the government of Lesotho has elaborated this National Strategy of Biological Diversity in 2000.; The strategy presents the following vision: Lesotho’s diversity of life systems are supported and protected by a nation which is environmentally conscious, whose people are in balanced existence with the natural environment, while deriving in diminishing and continuing benefits from the conservation benefits from the conservation and sustainable use of its biological diversity.; In order to make agriculture, forestry and fisheries more productive and sustainable, the strategy plans to promote suitable land husbandry practices in livestock and crop farming, forestry, fisheries, and in soil and water conservation programmes. The strategy plans also to promote sustainable use of forest resources by establishing alternative wood supply systems in order to alleviate over exploitation pressure on indigenous forests. In addition the strategy will promote sustainable agricultural management techniques that maximize the use of on farm inputs and minimize use of agricultural chemicals such as fertilizers and pesticides and support and encourage collection conservation and use of indigenous plant species and breeds of livestock which are better adapted to local conditions. Finally, the strategy will promote irrigation activities that minimize water logging, salination and other effects detrimental to soil biota.; To increase the resilience of livelihoods to disasters, the government plans to conserve the diversity of landscape, ecosystems, habitants, populations, species and genes in Lesotho. In responding to these challenges, Government will implement a number of strategies, including: (i) identification of biodiversity components and systems and processes that threaten biodiversity in Lesotho, (ii) establish and maintain a system of protected areas, (iii) promote and maintain sustainable development in areas adjacent to protected by establishing and maintaining sustainable use of areas such as maboella and range management Areas and Forest Reserves, (iv) provide communities with fuelwood and construction materials to reduce over harvesting of the indigenous plant materials while at the same time conserving soil and water, (v) transfer management and benefits of estate forest reserves from government to local communities in an orderly and progressive manner, (vi) promote research to assess the importance and status species, (vii) reduce the impact of public recreation through public education and awareness campaigns of the effect of pollution, (viii) establish coordination research and extension programmes for conservation and sustainable use of biological diversity, (ix) attain a fair and equitable sharing of benefits arising from the use of genetic resources, (x) develop human resource education and improve the skills required for biodiversity management.; In the context of governance, this policy will not be an end to itself, but rather will become part of an iterative process which will be monitored and reviewed regularly both to maintain continuity and modify strategies as need arises. To implement the goals and objectives for conservation and sustainable use of biodiversity, integration into sectoral planning effort (agriculture, forestry, wildlife, fisheries, industry, education health, etc) should be sought at all levels.
National Strategy on Lesotho’s Biological Diversity.