This Decree is a framework that shall apply to the technical planning of works and facilities serving for the utilization and protection of waters and for water damage prevention; to their proper and safe development, utilization, maintenance and operation; to the technical planning, construction and operation of technological equipment for water resources management purposes; and to decision-making concerning investments in the field of water resources management. Provisions regarding drinking and industrial water supply are laid down in Articles 10-13, while sewerage, waste water treatment and waste water disposal are dealt with in Articles 14-18. Flood protecting, river bed regulation and river controlling measures are contained in Articles 19-49. Water management in mountain, plain and urban areas are provided for in Articles 52-63. Pumping stations are ruled by Articles 64-67. Provisions concerning agricultural water use, irrigation and utilization of lakes (both natural and artificial), fish ponds, reservoirs are laid down in Articles 68-89.
Decree No. 30 of 2008 (XII. 31.) KvVM of the Ministry of Environmental Protection and Water Management laying down technical rules concerning activities and facilities serving for the utilization and protection of waters and for water damage prevention.