
Order No. 393 establishing rules on limits for emissions, discharge of pollutants and disposal of industrial and domestic waste.

The purpose of the present Order is to ensure uniform regulations relating to limits for emissions, discharge of pollutants and disposal of industrial and domestic waste. The Order consists of 5 sections dealing with: (a) general provisions (sect. 1); (b) limits for emission of pollutants into the atmosphere (sect. 2); (c) limits for the discharge of pollutants into waterbodies, filter beds, dumb wells and other sites; (d) limits for the disposal of industrial and domestic waste (sect. 4); and (e) calculation of the amount of emissions, discharge and waste disposal according to the predictable production growth (sect. 5).The basis for the determination of the limits for the emissions of pollutants into the atmosphere by industrial economic entities shall be authorized by the Ministry of Natural Resources and Environmental Protection. Maximum limits shall be calculated as the sum of maximum limits of the amount of pollutants set for a given period for each component.The authorization for special water uses issued by the Ministry of Natural Resources and Environmental Protection shall be the basis for the determation of the limits for discharge of pollutants into waterbodies and other sites (filter beds, dumb wells, storage ponds, underground water planes, etc.). Maximum limit shall be calculated as the amount of discharged effluent water by quality category (standard purification, standard clean, polluted, water discharged into filter beds, dumb wells, storage ponds). Maximum discharge limit must not exceed the amount of effluent water discharge as determined by the water uses authorization. The authorization issued by the Ministry of Natural Resources and Environmental Protection shall be the basis for the determination of the limits for waste disposal. The amount of maximum limit shall be set in conformity with the classification of waste by hazard risks and the site of disposal.

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