
Ministerial Decree No. 482 regarding validation of the Regulation on the modalities of monitoring of surface water, groundwater, atmospheric air and local environmental monitoring as part on national system of environmental monitoring.

The present Regulation determines the modalities of carrying out monitoring of surface water, groundwater, atmospheric air and local environmental monitoring as part of national system of environmental monitoring and use of data thereof. Monitoring of surface water, groundwater, atmospheric air and local environmental monitoring as part on national system of environmental monitoring is integral part of environmental monitoring. Objects of monitoring of surface water are natural water and other components of aquatic ecosystems. Monitoring of surface water represents the system of regular observations of hydrological, hydrochemical and hydrobiological data of state of surface water, collection, transmission and processing of received data for the purpose of timely exposure of negative processes. Objects of monitoring of groundwater are subsoil and artesian waters. Monitoring of groundwater represents the system of regular observations of hydrological, hydrochemical and hydrobiological data of state of surface water, collection, transmission and processing of received data for the purpose of timely exposure of negative processes. Objects of monitoring of atmospheric air are atmospheric air, atmospheric precipitation, snow cover and other objects determined by the Ministry of Natural Resources and Environmental Protection. Monitoring of atmospheric air represents the system of observations of the state of atmospheric air and the sources of its pollution, and also assessment and prognostication of the principal tendencies of quality changes of atmospheric air. Local environmental monitoring is carried out for the purpose of observation of the state on environment in the area of distribution of the sources of negative environmental impact and assessment of the aforesaid impact on environment. Objects of local environmental monitoring are: 1) emissions of pollutants into atmospheric air by stationary sources; 2) discharge of effluent waste water into surface water bodies; 3) surface water in the area of distribution of sources of discharge of effluent waste water; 4) groundwater in the area of distribution of sources of discharge of effluent waste water. Data collection, processing, reporting storage in data banks of data and information obtained as a result of monitoring of surface water, groundwater, atmospheric air and local environmental monitoring shall be carried out by the Ministry of Natural Resources and Environmental Protection.

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Data and methods


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