These Regulations concern sewage systems or and discharge of effluent and waste water. A local authority intending to operate a sewage system or owner or operator of any industry or trade which will discharge effluent into the aquatic environment shall apply to the Inspectorate for a license in form as set out in the First Schedule. The application shall contain information relating to the quality and quantity of effluent, its treatment and such other information as the Environmental Inspectorate may require. Withdrawing water from a water course or any other source for the purpose of diluting an effluent also requires a license. The Inspectorate shall issue a license to discharge effluent if satisfied that the application has adequate and appropriate facilities and equipment for pre-treatment and the effluent will not cause significant damage to the environment. A license to discharge effluent into the aquatic environment shall be conform to the conditions and standards for chemical and physical parameters contained in the table of standards for effluent and waste water, set out in the Third Schedule. The Inspectorate shall issue a license to withdraw water from a water course or other source for the purpose of diluting effluent if: (a) satisfied that the water being withdrawn from the water course or source would not significantly affect the life of the water course or source; (b) satisfied that the applicant will treat the effluent in a manner that would not have any adverse effect on the aquatic environment. The Inspectorate shall publish its intention to issue a license by notice in the Gazette, twenty-eight days before the issue of the license. It shall be valid for 36 months renewable but the Inspectorate may attach other conditions to the license or limit the period of validity. The holder of a license shall have a duty to keep records and the Inspectorate shall keep a register of licenses. Offences and penalties are prescribed. The Inspectorate may issue Enforcement Notices. (12 regulations completed by 3 Schedules)
Water Pollution Control (Effluent and Waste Water) Regulations (Cap. 204).