The present Regulation enacts the Environment Quality Act. In particular, the Regulation lays down provisions relating to waste water disposal from isolated dwellings. The text consists of 95 sections divided into16 Parts as follows: Interpretation (I); General provisions (II); Waste water management (III); House sewers and connections (IV); Primary treatment system (V); Soil absorption fields (VI); Seepage beds (VII); Seepage pits (VIII); Above-ground sand-filter beds (IX); Standard sand-filter beds (X); Privies (XI); Hauled sewage systems (XII); Biological systems (XIII); Privy or compost toilet and seepage pit (XIV); Advanced secondary treatment system (XV); Miscellaneous provisions (XVI); Fourteen Schedules are enclosed.
Regulation respecting waste water disposal systems for isolated dwellings (R.Q. c. Q-2, r.22).