This document lays down the Water Strategy, a sectoral strategy applicable at the national level during the period 2008-2022. Jordan's vision for a water strategy is one whereby 2022 the following objectives are fulfilled: (i) adequate, safe and secure drinking water supply; (ii) greater understanding and more effective management of groundwater and surface water; (iii) healthy aquatic ecosystems; (iv) a sustainable use of water resources, and implemented fair, affordable and cost-reflective water charges; (v) adaptation to increased population growth and economic development across the water sector and water users. The document defines the goals to be attained by 2022 in the following sectors: water demand, water supply, institutional reform, water for irrigation, wastewater and alternative water resources. The Strategy aims at making agriculture more sustainable through the rational use of water resources in agriculture, particularly as regards irrigation. Chapter 5 concerns water irrigation. The aim is that Jordan will have one service provider for irrigation water for the whole country, whereas the retail function for irrigation water will be privatized or handled by empowered farmers’ associations. Chapter 3 establishes the following goals to be attained by 2022 as regards water supply: (i) uninterrupted safe and secure drinking water supply; (ii) water supply from desalination is a major source; (iii) drinking water resources are protected from pollution; (iv) surface water is efficiently stored and utilized; (v) treated wastewater effluent is efficiently and cost-effectively used; (vi) groundwater management plans to ensure safe yield are operational; (vii) the concept of utilizing greywater and rainwater is fully embedded in the codes and requirements of buildings; (viii) shared water rights are protected. Regarding alternative water resources, the following goals are hereby pursued: (i) treated wastewater will be used for the activity that provides the highest social and economic return and standards for use in agriculture will be introduced and reinforced; (ii) desalination projects at the Red Sea are operational; (iii) rainwater harvesting is encouraged and promoted; (iv) infrastructure for desalination of sea and brackish water is sufficient; (v) an alternative energy source to keep the cost of desalination as low as possible is available. Chapter 4 of the Strategy is devoted to the institutional reform to be enforced by 2022. The objectives include enacting and enforcing a Water Law, adopting strong policy development and water resource planning strategies, and ensuring that governance functions and operational functions are separated.
Water for Life. Jordan’s Water Strategy 2008-2022.