
Regulation on the form and content of the application for registration of plant nutrition products and soil enhancers, and on keeping of the register, the contents of requests and documentation submitted with the request for the use of plant nutrition products and soil enhancers used in scientific research purposes, and on the placing on the market for certain time and quantities (limited time).

This Regulation hereby prescribes the following rules related to contents of the application for registration of plant nutrition products and soil enhancers (data collection and registration) as follows: documents to be attached with the official application for registration of plant nutrition products and soil enhancers, as well as the contents of the request and the documentation to be submitted for the use of plant nutrition products and soil enhancers in scientific research purposes and for their temporary placing on the market on the territory of the Republic of Serbia.; The Annex is an integral part of this Regulation.

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Original Title: 

Правилник о обрасцу и садржини захтева за упис у Регистар средстава за исхрану биља и оплемењивача земљишта и садржини и начину вођења тог регистра, садржини захтева и документације која се прилаже уз захтев за коришћење средстава за исхрану биља и оплемењивача земљишта који се користе у научно-истраживачке сврхе и стављање у промет на одређено време и у одређеној количини.
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