In order to reduce poverty and drive growth over the next five years, Rwanda has elaborated the Strategic plan for Transformation of Agriculture Phase III for the period of 2013-2017. It is a sectoral strategy that seeks to facilitate the development of Rwanda's agriculture, through an approach based on resource management, human capacity and private sector driven value chains. The strategic vision for the next five years is a focus on both increased production of staple crops and livestock products, and greater involvement of the private sector to increase agricultural exports, processing and value addition.; The primary goals of PSTA III are: (i) to transform Rwandan agriculture from a subsistence sector to a market-oriented, value creating sector, (ii) to grow as rapidly as possible, both in relation to production and commercialisation, in order to increase rural incomes and reduce poverty.; The broad sector transformations that will result from successful implementation of the Strategy are: (i) from guaranteeing food availability to generating food security through economic growth, (ii) from farmers as passive recipients to farmers as active market players with new skills, (iii) from government as a direct provider to government as facilitator of the private sector, (iv) from supplying mostly the domestic market to exporter to the region.; In order to make agriculture, forestry and fisheries more productive and sustainable, in PSTA III growth in agriculture will be driven by: (i) continued investment in land husbandry, irrigation and inputs, (ii) expanding CIP to further increase the productivity of staple crops, (iii) expanding the livestock sector, particularly small stock and fisheries, (iv) investing in mechanisation, processing and post-harvest facilities to modernise production, (v) investing in mechanisation, processing and post-harvest facilities to modernise production, (vi) aggregating smallholder production to provide sufficient quantities for markets and (vii) facilitating a participatory approach, including women and youth, for inclusive growth.; Regarding the reduction of the rural poverty, this strategy will further mainstream youth involvement in agriculture. The following actions will be implemented by the PSTA: (i) develop a TVET curriculum for agricultural specializations, (ii) target youth in entrepreneurship programmes, (iii) develop an agricultural leadership programme for youth.; To enable inclusive and efficient agricultural and food systems, the PSTA plans the development of priority value chains. In this context, the following actions are planned: (i) conduct market research and develop a promotion campaign, (ii) increase and harmonise quality standards, (iii) facilitate value chain finance relationships, (iv) expand agricultural insurance and rural finance, (v) promote efficiently and equitable transport systems, (vi) reduce staple crop post-harvest losses at producer and first aggregator level.; To increase the resilience of livelihood to disasters, the strategy highlights key actions including: reducing pesticide hazards, Planning for climate change, risk assessment and vulnerability mapping, monitoring pest incidence and crop yields to advise farmers on cropping adaptation, increased emphasis to watershed management and soil retention measures, environmental considerations in rural roads and environmental mainstreaming in Agriculture.; In the context of governance, in relation to Ministerial capacity building, issues such as high staff turnover, weak incentives, low levels of professional development, dependence on externally funded technical assistance and insufficient private sector engagement skills will be tackled by a new Human Resources Development Plan. This will foster long-term staff development and retention through professional career advancement based on technical specialisation. Institutional coordination in the sector is also important, both within and across MINAGRI agencies and with other Ministries driving rural development. This strategy will strengthen horizontal and vertical collaboration between these different institutions to ensure effective implementation of the PSTA III rural development goals and other national targets.
Strategic Plan for the Transformation of Agriculture in Rwanda Phase III.