
Environmental Management and Protection (General) Regulations (R.R.S. c. E-10.22 Reg. 1).

The present Regulations are made under the Environmental Management and Protection Act, 2010. Part V deals with certain facilities requiring permits. In particular, section 8 lists, inter alia, the following: a) mining or milling operations; b) pulp or paper mills; c) chemical plants; d) petroleum upgraders and refineries; e) coal-fired power generating plants; f) ethanol or biodiesel processing facilities; g) canola and oilseeds crushing facilities; h) wood treatment facilities; i) wood products manufacturing facilities; j) industrial waste or hazardous waste treatment facilities that treat more than 10 000 kilograms of waste per year; (k) any facility that collects, contains, stores, transmits or generates more than 50 000 kilograms of industrial wastes above ground; (l) any facility that collects, contains, stores, transmits or generates industrial waste underground; m) any facility that stores industrial waste in storage lagoons or ponds with an aggregate capacity of greater than 10 000 cubic metres; n) any facility that permanently disposes of solid waste or industrial waste by placing it above or below ground; o) any facility that temporarily stores solid waste; p) any facility that disposes of hazardous waste.; The text consists of 19 sections divided into 9 Parts as follows: Preliminary matters (I); Shoreline alteration (II); Discharges of substances at or near water (III); Certain facilities requiring permits (IV); Beverage container program (V); Air quality (VI); Orphaned environmentally impacted sites (VII); Administrative penalties (VIII); Coming into force (IX). One Appendix is enclosed.

Regional Info



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Temporal Info

Date - Original Text: 


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