
2014-2024 National Environmental Policy and Strategy.

The objectives of the National Environmental Policy and Strategy are in light with the Ministry of Forestry, Fisheries, and Sustainable Development (MFFSD) vision, with the urgent need to ensure that the country revisit its policy and strategies to be responsive to new environmental challenges and commitments undertaken. Environmental documents are to be used to set policies, priorities, action plans and anticipated results for 2014-2024 based on a clear assessment of existing environmental challenges and resources and institutional framework and capacities to address them. These documents are also intended to be used as an operational/management tool for the mobilization of resources, development of capacity (both institutional and legal), and as guidance for addressing gaps and the improvement in the execution of the Department of Environment’s mandate. It recognizes that these are essential elements of GOB’s strategies to eradicate poverty by looking at these as a replenishable source of “natural capital”, essential in sustaining livelihoods and ensuring food security. It has as its core strategic outcome the “Greening of Belize’s Economy” (3.5.1). The methodology used in the execution of this activity provided the DOE with the opportunity to involve stakeholders (including NGOs), Civil Society, indigenous and local communities, private sector, and the media) in the process and include their inputs in the final documents. The overall objective is to have the DOE, the MFFSD, and stakeholders feel a sense of ownership since the method utilized ensured stakeholders active involvement in the preparation of the documents. The methodology was to organize the tasks into five major groups of activities. These activities were: 1. Background Research; 2. Stakeholder Consultations/Field Research; 3. An Analysis Process; 4. Drafting of Deliverables; and 5. Consultation Workshops including an Inception and a Validation Workshop. The strategic goals and targets for the major environmental issues addressed in this Strategy document and organized around the four strategic clusters, such as: Green, Clean, Resilient and Strong. The clusters pertaining to Green, Clean, and Resilient encompass the traditional issues focusing on environmental impacts; while the cluster pertaining to strong, focuses on the issues related to environmental governance and institutional capacity. This Strategic section focuses on addressing those issues related to the management of the natural resources and has as its long- term objective, a Belize where its natural resources, including land, forests, coastal and marine and water resources, are sustainably managed and conserved to improve the quality of life of present and future generation. The development of the Policy and Strategy Statement must address the above mentioned issues which makes evident the relationship between sustainable practices and economic development and Belize’s efforts to eradicate poverty. Vision: To be leaders in environmental stewardship for sustainable development both nationally and regionally. Mission: To ensure that Belize’s development is sound through effective environmental management for present and future generations. The Strategy is divided into 12 goals, as follows: 1. Degradation of Terrestrial Resources (A new and robust forest policy that aims to the sustainable use the forest and other natural ecosystems); 2. Degradation of Marine Resources (Protection and rational use of marine-coastal ecosystems and strengthen trans-boundary coordination and national actions with a focus on fisheries, tourism and marine areas); 3.Sustainable Land Management (implementation of the 2012 Belize National Land Use Policy); 4. Integrated Water Resources Management (integrated management water resources); 5. Challenges in Transitioning to a Green Economy; 6. Improve Waste Management; 7. Reduce Air Pollution; 8. Reduce Marine Pollution; 9. Integrated Chemicals Management; 10. Disaster Risk Reduction (resilient communities to the effects of natural, technological and environmental hazards and engendering a shift from protection against hazards to risk management); 11. Response to Global Climate Change; 12. Environmental Governance and Institutional Strengthening.

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