
Act on Promotion of Global Warming Countermeasures (Act No. 117 of 1998)

The Law promulgates the measures necessary to abate or reduce global warming by limiting also the greenhouse gas emissions. Monitoring and providing policies shall be part of the responsabilities of the National Authority as an accurate weather forecast system united with a community awareness of the global warming dangers to humans and envirinment. Short term and long term plans must be carried out to limit greenhouse emission, industrie and citizens alike shall oblige with all preventive measures deemed necessary for pollution control.; The State Boards may declare air pollution control areas and restrict the usage of fuel or other burning substances deemed responsible of polluting the athmosphere;car emission standards shall be set as also standars for pollutant emission in any industrial activities. Equipment to abate polluting fumes must be employed in those industries and inspection on their performance shall be carried on. Under this Act State Air Laboratories are instituted, where samples of air shall be tested to investigate polluting agents. Audits shall be conducted on regular basis and financial aid to the State Boards shall be granted to fund their activities.; The Document consists of 8 Chapters: General Provisions (1); Kyoto Protocol Target Achievement Plan (2); Global Warming Prevention Headquarters (3); Programs for Control of Greenhouse Gases (4); Maintaining Greenhouse Gas Absorption by Forests and Plants (5); Quota Account Inventory (6); Miscellaneous Provisions (7); Punitive Provisions (8).

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