This Resolution is composed of 5 articles. The zones located in Ras Mohammad in the Province of South Sinai and the two islands Tiran And Sanafeer, as specified in the attached map, shall be considered protected areas (art. 1). Article 2 provides for the establishment of a branch of the Environment Affairs Apparatus in the Province of Sinai, which shall be managed by an executive council formed by the Prefect of South Sinai as president and by representatives of the Ministries of Tourism, Agriculture, Defence, Interior Affairs, Scientific Research Academy, Environment Affairs Apparatus and Sinai Reconstruction Apparatus. Works, activities or measures that may destroy or damage the natural environment, wildlife, marine wildlife and plants shall be prohibited. In particular, the following acts shall be prohibited: transfer, kill or disturb wildlife; destroy plants, soil, and water: cause air pollution or any activity which may damage the ecosystem in the protected areas (art. 3). The Prefect of Sinai shall take the necessary measures for the protection of the abovementioned area (art. 4).
Resolution No. 1068 of 1983 creating protected zones in Ras Mohammad and in both islands Tiran and Sanafeer.