
Water Pollution Control Ordinance (Chapter 358).

This Ordinance makes provision for pollution of waters of Hong Kong including all inland waters, territorial waters and tidal waters. The Ordinance consists of 8 Parts divided into 51 sections: Preliminary (I); Water Control Zones and Water Quality Objectives (II); Prohibited Discharges and Deposits (III); Licensing of Existing Discharges and Deposits (IV); Licensing of Discharges and Deposits (V); Appeals (VI); Powers of Enforcement (VII); Miscellaneous (VIII). The Governor in Council may, by order published in the Gazette, declare any part of Hong Kong to be a water control zone for the purposes of this Ordinance (sect. 4). The Secretary for the Environment shall establish for the waters of Hong Kong in each water control zone a water quality objective or different objectives for different parts of a zone (sect. 5). For purposes of achieving quality objectives the Secretary may give directions to an Authority of a zone (sect. 6). Part III provides for restoration of waters by persons convicted of offences by discharging waste into waters of hong Kong, inland waters, communal sewers and communal drains (prohibited discharges). Part IV and V set out procedures and requirements for obtaining a licence for existing and non discharges and deposits. The text is completed by 4 Schedules: Terms and conditions subject to which a licence may be granted 1); Determination of compensation (2); Amendments of other enactments (3 and 4).

Regional Info



Territorial Division: 

Hong Kong SAR

Policy Type: 





Temporal Info

Date - Original Text: 


Date - Consolidation: 
