
Public Water Supply System Regulations (Chapter 2401-51).

Regulations promulgated by the Republic of Palau Environmental Quality Board (“the Board”). The purpose of these Regulations is to establish minimum standards and safety requirements for the public water supply system of Palau and drinking water supplied through that system. Regulation 3 contains and extensive list of definitions. Regulations 4 to 10 set out conditions for the construction of or significant modification of public water supply systems. Procedures for obtaining approval and permit from the Board are prescribed. Regulations 11 to 39 concern the quality of drinking water. Regulation 11 lays down a general obligation of suppliers to assure supply of water that meets prescribed standards. Other regulations specify levels of maximum permitted contamination of various substances and lay down rules for monitoring and other measures for the control of pollution of publicly supplied water. Each public supply system shall be placed under the technical supervision of an operator certified by the Board (reg. 40). Regulations 42 to 51 concerns notices to be issued by owners or operators of supply systems to users each time that the water supplied fails to meet quality standards prescribed. Regulation 52 requires operators or owners to keep records on operations. Regulation 54 and 55 concern supply of water during emergency situations. Regulations 56 to 72 make provision with respect to variances of and exemptions from requirements regarding the supply of water. Regulations 75 to 84 establish criteria under which filtration or disinfecting is required as treatment technique for publicly supplied water. Remaining provisions of these Regulations concern enforcement of rules established. (88 regulations)

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