
Riparian Buffer Zone Policy for Managing Freshwater Bodies in Ghana.

The Riparian Buffer Zone Policy for Managing Fresh Water Bodies in Ghana was designed as a harmonized document of all the dormant and fragmented regulations in the country concerning buffers bordering water bodies or river systems. It is also designed to provide comprehensive measures and actions that would guide the coordinated creation of vegetative buffers for the preservation and functioning of water bodies and vital ecosystems in the country. The Policy aims at ensuring that all designated buffer zones along rivers, streams, lakes, reservoirs and other water bodies shall be sustainably managed for all. The Policy is guided by the principle of ensuring an efficient and sustainable use of buffer zone resources to address food security and income generation for local communities. The Policy will seek to ensure equitable and sustainable utilization and management of buffer zone conservation areas; provide capacity building to communities in buffer zone conservation areas; provide goods and services for participating communities which depend on a mixture of agricultural and forest resources to maintain their livelihood; utilize agricultural and forestry extension staff to improve understanding of buffer zone processes and benefit in buffer zone conservation areas; monitor the effects of grazing and agricultural land use and timber harvesting; promote good agronomic practices; and preserve or establish green spaces as riparian buffers along waterways in areas that are practically difficult for regeneration and reforestation of riparian vegetation as a more efficient way of preventing drinking water contamination and flooding. Moreover the Policy seeks to contribute to the welfare of the local community through the provision of forest and fish products, and services such as clean water or income derived from eco‐tourism or other income generating sources. The document is guided by the principle of preventing, mitigating and managing water‐related events associated with potential effects of climate variability (floods and droughts). An important aspect of the Policy is to ensure effective inter‐institutional coordination and collaboration. The partners in implementation of the Policy are grouped as follows: policy formulation and guidance institutions, water users and development agencies, data collection and research institutions, and regulatory agencies. The Ministry of Water Resources, Works and Housing is the principal ministry responsible for overall policy formulation, planning, coordination, collaboration, monitoring and evaluation of programmes for the water sector.

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