
Environmental (Impact Assessment and Audit) Regulations, 2003 (Cap. 387).

These Regulations, made under section 147 of the Environmental Management and Co-ordination Act, contain rules relative to content and procedures of an environmental impact assessment in the sense of section 58 of the Act, contain rules relative to environmental impact audit and monitoring and strategic environmental assessment and regulate some other matters such as appeal and registration of information regarding environmental impact assessment. These Regulations shall apply to all policies, plans, programmes, projects and activities specified in Part IV, Part V of the Second Schedule to the Act. Regulation 2 contains a list of definitions. The National Environment Authority may set up a Technical Advisory Committee at national, provincial and district levels for purposes of advising the Authority on environmental impact reports (reg. 5). Regulations 7 and 8 prescribe procedures for project briefs. Regulations 11 to 30 concern procedures of environmental impact assessment, including the registration of environmental impact assessment experts, the granting of environmental impact assessment licences and public hearings. Regulations 31 to 41 provide for auditing and monitoring. Auditing experts shall comply with national standards (reg. 32). Regulation 34 provides for self-auditing by proponents of projects. Regulation 35 prescribes the contents of an environmental audit. The First Schedule contains forms. The Second lists issues to be considered when drafting an environmental impact assessment. The Third Schedule contains general guidelines for the carrying out of an environmental impact assessment study.

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