The objective of these Regulations is to achieve an integrated prevention and control of pollution arising from activities which are listed in Schedule 1, and which including certain timber processing and slaughter of animals. The Regulations lay down measures designed to prevent or reduce release of substances or other forms of pollution of water, soil or air arising from listed activities. Regulations 3 to 20 provide for granting of permits for the operation of installations listed in Schedule 1. Regulation 17 requires the Malta Environment and Planning Authority, being the Competent Authority for the purposes of these Regulations, to take additional measures where the best Available Technique is not sufficient to meet environment quality standards. The Competent Authority may set emission limit values for categories of installations and polluting substances in accordance with regulation 21 and shall maintain a national register of permits in accordance with regulation 23. It shall also compile an emission inventory.
Integrated Pollution Prevention and Control Regulations, 2002 (L.N. No. 234 of 2002).