
Resolution No. 201-2016-MINAM ─ National Protocol on Continuous Emissions Monitoring Systems (CEMS).

This Resolution, considering that the National Environmental Action Agenda - AgendAmbiente Peru 2015 - 2016, within the products and activities has as one of the products of Object 8 (Reduce the levels of air pollution), updating the regulatory framework of The quality of the air, detailing as an activity the approval of the protocol of continuous monitoring of emissions, approves the National Protocol of Continuous Monitoring of Emissions Systems (CEMS). The purpose of the protocol is to make available to the competent environmental authority, the auditing body, consultants, industrial companies and the population, an environmental management instrument that will allow monitoring and control of emissions from stationary sources, by means of systems standardized continuous emissions monitoring. The CEMS from stationary sources, will be applied for the continuous measurement in real time of the emissions, standardizing the monitoring systems, regarding the selection and operation of equipment, the measurement methodology, as well as the basic criteria for the design and implementation of the system, the assurance of the quality of the data and the validation, that allow obtaining reliable data, within the limits of acceptance established; as well as the final report of the results of the measurements, in order to continuously monitor the emissions to the atmosphere of the various industrial and energy activities, in order to avoid their impact on the environment.

Regional Info



Policy Type: 

Data and methods


Energy, Industry




Temporal Info

Date - Final Text: 
