
Law No. 27 of 2009 on the protection and improvement of the environment.

This Law aims to improve and to protect the environment by handling the damages, protecting the public health and the natural resources. The Law establishes a Council for the protection and improvement of the environment referring to the Ministry of Environment and cooperating with other Ministries. It also defines its duties and responsibilities. Smaller Councils will be established in the different provinces of the country. The Law sets forth provisions for the protection of the environment. The regions responsible for environmental pollution have to use clean technologies and set up a suitable environmental policy. The use of sensors for pollution monitoring and control is recommended as well as the renewable energy technologies. An environmental impact assessment shall be done for any new project held in the country. The Law concerns also the protection of water from pollution. It regulates the discharge of effluents whether they are of domestic, industrial or agricultural origin. This Law covers as well the following subjects: regulation of air pollution and noise reduction; earth protection; biodiversity protection; management of hazardous waste; protection of the environment from pollution resulting from exploration and extraction of oil wealth and natural gas; establishment of an environmental protection fund; rewards; compensation for damages; and penal provisions.

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