Nitrogen Policies


This database compiles 2,726 nitrogen policies from 186 countries, sourced from the ECOLEX database and other databases, as originally provided for the publication by Kanter et al, 2020  and subsequently extended for South Asia by the GCRF South Asian Nitrogen Hub by Yang et al. 2022 (966 N policies). The database is searchable by country, keyword, date, policy instrument, economic sector and geographical scale.


Kanter et al. (2020) Gaps and opportunities in nitrogen pollution policies around the world. Nat Sustain, 3, pp.956–963.

Anastasia L Yang et al. (2022) Policies to combat nitrogen pollution in South Asia: gaps and opportunities. Environ. Res. Lett. 17 025007.

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Policy Title ECOLEX Ref ID Scale Sector Date of Text
NTON 05 002-08: Norma Técnica Obligatoria Nicaragüense para la protección y conservación ambiental de las lagunas cratéricas.
National 09/09/2008
Regulation on the monitoring program for nitrates in foods.
National Agriculture 19/03/2014
Ley Nº 8 - Regulaciones para el desarrollo de actividades agropecuarias orgánicas.
National Agriculture 24/01/2002
Regulation on the characteristics of ammonium nitrate fertilizers with a high nitrogen content, limit values of nitrogen in ammonium nitrate fertilizers with a high nitrogen content and methods of test for resistance to explosive to be met by ammonium nitrate fertilizers with a high nitrogen content.
National Agriculture 20/09/2010
Regulation No. 9 on limit values for sulphur dioxide, nitrogen dioxide, fine particulate matter and lead in ambient air.
National 03/05/1999
NOMEM-132-ECOL-1998: Características del equipo para la verificación de los niveles de emisión de gases contaminantes provenientes de vehículos automotores.
National Transport 15/12/1998
Act No. 1172 relative to financial support for environment protection measures in small-scale agriculture and related matters.
National Agriculture
Regulation on the list of gases and the method of preparation of the inventory of greenhouse gases and the exchange of information.
National 08/09/2014
Regulation on limit values for hazardous and harmful substances in the water which, after purification from the public sewage are discharged into the natural recipient.
National Waste 29/06/2007
Emission Trading Act.
National 19/09/2012
