Nitrogen Policies


This database compiles 2,726 nitrogen policies from 186 countries, sourced from the ECOLEX database and other databases, as originally provided for the publication by Kanter et al, 2020  and subsequently extended for South Asia by the GCRF South Asian Nitrogen Hub by Yang et al. 2022 (966 N policies). The database is searchable by country, keyword, date, policy instrument, economic sector and geographical scale.


Kanter et al. (2020) Gaps and opportunities in nitrogen pollution policies around the world. Nat Sustain, 3, pp.956–963.

Anastasia L Yang et al. (2022) Policies to combat nitrogen pollution in South Asia: gaps and opportunities. Environ. Res. Lett. 17 025007.

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Policy Title ECOLEX Ref ID Scale Sector Date of Text
Regulation on limit values, emission measuring methods, criteria for establishing measurement locations and data records.
National 2006
National Environmental Protection Act 1984.
Loi nº 13-2003 portant code de l'eau.
National 10/04/2003
Agricultural Act of 1961 & Consolidated Farm and Rural Development Act (7 U.S.C. 1010-1013).
National Agriculture
State Standard No. AZS 836-2015 for Environmental management systems- General guidelines on principles, systems and support techniques.
National Industry 10/07/2015
Climate Change (General Exemptions) Order, 2009.
National 30/11/2009
Executive Decree No. 178/13 approving the Regulation of the Cabinet for the Exploitation and Development of Agriculture and Livestock sector within the Plateau of Camabatela.
National Agriculture 30/05/2013
Acuerdo que crea la Comisión de pesticidas para uso agrícola.
National Agriculture 21/05/1985
Acuerdo Nº 280 - NTE INEN 330 sobre la clasificación de fertilizantes (Primera revisión).
National Agriculture 16/06/1998
Governmental Decree No. 128 validating the Regulation on protection of surface water.
National 14/03/2016
