
Found 420 results
Sutton M, Howard C, Adhya TK, Baker E., Baron JS, Basir A., Brownlie W, Cordovil C, de Vries W, Eory V et al..  2019.  Nitrogen Grasping the Challenge.
[Anonymous].  2019.  Nitrogen in Food Production.
Sutton M, Adhya TK, Raghuram N.  2019.  Nitrogen may hold the key to unlocking clean air challenges.
[Anonymous].  2019.  Nitrogen Pollution is a Big Environmental Issue: UN Environment.
[Anonymous].  2019.  Nitrogen pollution is a big issue: UN Environment.
[Anonymous].  2019.  Nitrogen pollution: Neglected menace.
Kej R.  2019.  The Nitrogen Song - Ricky Kej - INMS. :03:24.
Tôsto KLima, Pacheco F, Gomes L, Miranda M, Oliveira S, Pessi DDiego, Cox C, Ometto J.  2019.  Nitrogen use efficiency: a local and regional approach for Brazilian agriculture. RAEGA: O Espaço Geográfico em Análise. 46(3)
Cowan N, Levy P, Móring A, Simmons I, Bache C, Stephens A, Marinheiro J, Brichet J, Song L, Pickard A et al..  2019.  Nitrogen use efficiency and N2O and NH3 losses attributed to three fertiliser types applied to an intensively managed silage crop. Biogeosciences. 16(23)
[Anonymous].  2019.  Odessa scientists want to reduce nitrogen pollution and benefit from it.
[Anonymous].  2019.  Over 150 top Scientists seek global action on reactive nitrogen.
Broyd N.  2019.  Reaction to Government's Clean Air Strategy.
de Vries W, Schulte-Uebbing L.  2019.  Required changes in nitrogen inputs and nitrogen use efficiencies to reconcile agricultural productivity with water and air. Quality objectives in the EU-27.
Sangomla A.  2019.  Resolution on nitrogen can lead to a carbon-like framework.
Mann J.  2019.  Revealed: the intensive farms polluting Scotland with ammonia  .
Padmanabhan S.  2019.  Scientists seek global action on reactive nitrogen.
Medinets S, Gasche R, Kiese R, Rennenberg H, Butterbach-Bahl K.  2019.  Seasonal dynamics and profiles of soil NO concentrations in a temperate forest. Plant and Soil. 443
[Anonymous].  2019.  Secretary Anura Interview UN Nitrogen Campaign. :6:17.
Paliwal A.  2019.  Sewage to beat agri as biggest source of nitrogen pollution: Top scientist.
[Anonymous].  2019.  Three ways we can better use nitrogen in farming.
Sangomla A.  2019.  ‘Tighter regulations needed on nutrient effluents’.
Gu B, Lam SKee, Reis S, van Grinsven H, Ju X, Yan X, Zhou F, Liu H, Cai Z, Galloway JN et al..  2019.  Toward a Generic Analytical Framework for Sustainable Nitrogen Management: Application for China. Environmental Science and Technology. 53(3)
Somasekar M.  2019.  UK commits £20 million to tackle nitrogen pollution in South Asia.
Padmanabhan S.  2019.  UK to support nitrogen research in India.
Jackson C.  2019.  UNEA-4 Calls for Strengthened Approach to Sustainable Nitrogen Management.
